“In light of the allegations before the Court and the Defendant’s history of committing fraud, the Government recommends that the Defendant be required to notify others that visit social media accounts or websites she controls of her true identity and criminal history.

April 2023 Judge Oki Mollway U.S. District Court Hawaii CRIMINAL CASE #: 1:19-cr-00105-SOM-1 


CLICK HERE to watch and listen to the 2-hour Sensibly Speaking Podcast with Chris Shelton (Masters in Psychology Coercive Control) and Cult Vault Host Kasey. In it, THEY DECONSTRUCT EVERY ASPECT of convicted felon Liane Wilson / Liana Shanti online enterprise.

“She puts so much fear into everyone in the community saying she’s the only way out and if you don’t follow her guidance your soul is basically doomed.” J.M

“She would ‘confirm’ memories of sexual abuse and trauma her followers believed to experience as children,” the man wrote. “These ‘memories’ would surface during the meditation segments in Liana Shanti’s programs. Now my ex-wife is convinced her father sexually abused her.” Liana Shanti Lemurian Sisterhood DailyBeast Article April 25, 2023

Liana Shanti picture image

Liana Shanti EXPOSED!

Self-proclaimed Psychic

Spiritual Teacher


“Certified Nutritionist” 

Princeville, Hawaii

Click here for a BRIEF INTRO

“It’s got all the hallmarks of a Cult group, in my opinion,” Lalich told The Daily Beast. “You’ve got this one person who is the end-all-be-all, who offers this all-inclusive belief system where the ends justify the means.” Daily Beast March 2023

Dr. Janja Lalich, Lalich Center on Cults and Coercion

Cult expert and licensed therapist Steve Hassan said that when applying his BITE model for authoritarian control, Daily Beast Article exposing Liana Shanti March 2023