The Many Faces of Liane Wilson, Princeville, Hawaii
GET UP TO SPEED! CLICK HERE to read Jennings Brown’s Expose on Liana Shanti
March 3, 2023, DailyBeast The Mysterious ‘Sisterhood’ Tearing Families Apart
The Conartist behind Liana Shanti
“In 2018, she decided to give Liana a face–what appears to be a heavily filtered mystical version of herself. And just like her powers, her face seemed to evolve over time.” Daily Beast Article March 3, 2023
Liana Shanti REAL Photos
(Real Name Liane Nancy Wilson)
Princeville Hawaii

“Pseudo Liana Shanti”
NOTE: You will never see her forehead. Is this because then you will see the wig line?

- Liana Shanti Images