It’s important to remember that things are not always as they seem. It is clear that Liana Shanti is not being truthful and is engaging in deception and misrepresentation.

“There is nothing negative or wrong about anything I have ever done.”
Liane Wilson (Shanti) January 5, 2023
Coached Sexual Abuse trauma online Media Daily Beast Article
Liana Shanti Accusation of Sexual Abuse Coaching from Previous Followers
“Students” engaged in parental abductions
Fake “Certified Clinical Nutritionist”
Health Mastery Institute was NOT registered until September 2022; after Liana Shanti’s student’s parental abductions took place and was exposed online. Did unsuspecting students pay THOUSANDS for a worthless Online Certificate to a company or school that didn’t exist from 2019-2021? Also, a woman who asserted credentials and claimed to be a “Certified Clinical Nutritionist” only later to be proven to be FALSE?
Currently on Probation for Fraud
Multiple Lawsuits / Previous Restraining Order
Fact: What do Liane Wilson and her husbands have in common?
ALL THREE have been charged with various felonies
ALL THREE have previously filed for bankruptcy.
It seems there was
after all…….

“Few things disgust me more than female attorneys who represent pedophiles, wife abusers, and domestic violence perpetrators.” Liane Wilson July 25, 2024
On July 25, 2024, posting on Instagram, Liana Shanti once again exhibited her ability to try and create a false narrative opposite to her own real-life actions in what could be considered to be an attempt to redirect the spotlight.
Despite taking an oath when becoming a lawyer in 1999 (minimal time practiced) and contrary to her statement expressing her “disgust” for those charged with serious crimes, look no further than Liane Wilson defending her own first husband.
In 2012, Liane Wilson‘s former husband had been charged with Rape, Kidnapping, and Assault of a local woman on the island.
Case ID: 5PC121000345 – STATE OF HAWAII VS. D C. W
During the trial in 2015, the hypocritical Liane Wilson testified (Liana Shanti) in his defence, ultimately denying the “kidnapped rape victim” justice and leading to the former husband being found not guilty.

Liana Shanti / Liane Wilson
The Laughable Abuse Advocate?
After being verified as an online cult leader through extensive analysis from industry professionals, convicted felon Liane Wilson, a.k.a. Liana Shanti’s magical transformation in late 2022 into a righteous “victims advocate” may have seemed like a good idea at the time. One could see this as an attempt to control the narrative and deflect unwanted attention as information about this unknown enigma came to light.
Several children had been kidnapped, false accusations of sexual assault coached by Psychic Liana Shanti complete with evidence (Daily Beast 2023), and the truth was coming out on social media. Several families also had made Police reports in the early spring of 2022, and things were unravelling fast.
Liana Shanti cult members rallied around their exalted leader. They invented a bogus award for this convicted felon, ultimately not knowing the whole story or even a glimpse into this convicted felon’s past. Victims’ stories combined with ex-cult members’ statements would soon be revealed to the public through a series of articles by Investigative reporter Jennings Brown in the spring of 2023.
The information seems to cast doubt on the credibility of convicted felon Liane Wilson’s claim of being a “victim advocate.” Evidence from online media reports began to circulate that specifically showed coaching individuals on their past “sexual abuse” as a self-proclaimed psychic, further raising questions about her credibility.
In July 2023, evidence was submitted to the Hawaii courts during Liane Wilson’s probation recall hearing that showed chatroom images that appeared to show coaching individuals to leave their countries as well as coached sexual abuse consistent with statements from ex-cult members interviewed by Jennings Brown in the DailyBeast article “Lemurian Sisterhood. View Here
The timing of Wilson’s self-proclaimed advocacy, alongside her involvement in orchestrating accusations against follower’s families, has deepened the skepticism surrounding the legitimacy of her abuse advocate persona.

July 2024
Sometimes, the truth is right in front of you.
Otherwise known as projection.

“I will always speak truth and could not care less what anyone’s feelings about the truth are” Liane Wilson July 2024
Bankruptcy Dismissal Public Record due to fraud
Fake Certified Clinical Nutritionist Claim
Fake Harvard Medical School Coaching Degree
Liane Wilson loses Real Estate License after accusations of fraud.

September 9, 2023 HIGHLIGHTS Liane Wilson
” Invested over a million dollars in my own mentors”
“Mastered money making offline”
(Why so many lawsuits, bankruptcies, foreclosure and landlord issues over 24 years?)
“Wall St Lawyer handling multi-billion dollar deals”
(First-year junior lawyer with very short career?)
“Psychic Abilities”
(If you were Psychic, you should have known you would be convicted of FRAUD )

Liane Wilson claims to have some responsibility for valuing the Zapruder Film. The settlement occurred in August 1999, and Liane Wilson did not pass the Bar until the following month. Litigation would have happened years before the final ruling, possibly while she was still in law school. This information is from an article in the Washington Post stating that “the valuation relied heavily on the testimony of auction house experts.” Is this Liane Wilson’s fantasy or reality? It makes for a good story, but do the facts align? You be the judge.