September 9, 2023 HIGHLIGHTS Liane Wilson

It should be noted that this statement occurred just before Liane Wilson began charging $100k for a personal business mentorship through her new 12_B_School.

” Invested over a million dollars in my own mentors”

“Mastered money making offline”

Do we need to mention the documented history that included financial discovery, lawsuits, bankruptcies, foreclosure, and landlord issues spanning over 24 years?

“Wall St Lawyer handling multi-billion dollar deals”

“Is this meant to be some generic statement? According to the investigation, your law career was exceptionally short. It would be reasonable to believe that no responsible law firm would give a junior, twenty inexperienced lawyer carte blanche on billion-dollar deals.”

Psychic Abilities” ?

If you were “psychic,” you should have known you would be convicted of bankruptcy fraud. You must also know how this is going to end?